sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2011

Your opinion matters…

Do you remember we spoke about stem cells in class? If you do, you probably remember too, that I asked you to think about a certain question. This question was:

If stem cells are so useful and cool, why doesn’t everybody gets umbilical stem cells removed when he or she is born and kept cryogenized just in case?

So, now that you’ve thought about it. Use the commentaries to post your thoughts upon this burning issue.

13 comentarios:

  1. Production of embryonic stem cell lines is illegal in Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, and Ireland, but permitted in Finland, Greece, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the UK. In the United States, it is not illegal to work with or create embryonic stem cell lines. However, the debate in the US is about funding, and it is in fact illegal for federal funds to be used to research stem cell lines that were created after August 2001.
    And,Why not use them? ALBERTO

  2. Do you think private parties should be allowed to fund any research involved with embryonic stem cells? Could, for instance, coca-cola fund this kind of investigation or, would it be too risky to have third parties involved in this matter?

  3. This it would be an option, in a situation, in which it is so difficult to extract a help, though it is to advance scientific studies.

  4. Like Alberto said is illegal in many contries but the problem is that keep them is very expensive and only rich people and people that need them for other familiar that have leukemia and also is a very expensive investment to research with them.

  5. What would you think, from an ethical point of view, about the fact that only rich people seems to be able to have this "back up" plan of having their embryonic stem cells stored just in case they get sick?

  6. In Spain, is allowed the donation of stem cells (not like in other countries), what is not allowed is the cryopreservation of these cells only for her own son, in case of illness. Therefore, these cells go to anonymous persons by the donor. This may be one of the reasons why not donate.
    Another reason is that stem cells could use as a clonate but legally it isn´t allowed.
    Finally some people who can donate don´t know everything about this cell and their benefitions.

    Iria Seoane

  7. Congratulations to all of you who are participating in this debate. If you want to state your opinion, rush during the next week as, next Friday, I will be closing this thread of commentaries.

  8. I actually don't know if I'm writing this on time but I would like to say my opinion of why it is forbiden in several counties as Alberto and the others said,and specificly in Ireland where I had the luck of being there for one month and had contact with natal people.From my point of viuw there, the church has lot of power in these country wich leads to my opinion of the etic/moral thought that people from out there have of if they do that they contradict like some religious principles they are suposed to: 1°respect and 2°believe.That's my opinion.Héctor.

  9. Thanks Hector!
    This post was supposed to be addressed only to pupils in 3rd A and B but you´re very welcome to share your opinion and views with us. Obviously, for you, this would count as voluntary work.

  10. On one hand I think that is a good idea to get cryogenized your umbilical stem cells because if you have an illness that you can't solve except with this cells you will can solve it and you will solved it with a little amount of money that you have paid when you were younger and the amount of money is not very big,it differs between 1000 and 3000 euros but at the same time it has a bad side because if you don´t need to use it in all your life and you pay the ammount of money for other people you will lose it cause you can not say that it can only be used by yours sons
    That´s my opinion.
    Alejandra Fernández

  11. the umbilical cord stem cells can be cryopreserved in a conservation bank stem cells and have biological characteristics that make them very valuable and it could be necessary in the future. If not kept in a bank of stem cells , at the time of birth, they are discarded and lost.But the disanvantage of conservate this cells is that as Alejandra said you will lose the ammount of money.
