sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2011

Working with Berlin!

As you know, we have started our one-year-long project. That’s exciting! The first exciting bit about it, is that we are no longer just working with people from our class, but we are part of a MASSIVE group that’s composed by:

3 or 4 people from our class+3 or 4 people from the other class+ some German students

Now, working with tree friends can be difficult, but working with 7 friends, taking into account that some of them are not in the same classroom that I am, it’s a bit complicated, don’t you reckon? On top of that, we have to plan our strategies with even more students! And those students live in ANOTHER COUNTRY. How crazy!

This whole scheme, then, will be based on a series of activities in which, everybody, should be working together to achieve a common goal, to make the best European project ever! As we are working with biology topics, this year, the project focuses on environmental resources in each region and in Europe. The students should have a positive approach to the environmental problem through the knowledge of how precious our planet is. The groups will be researching about a forest, a national park, a river, an animal, a plant, etc, in Spain, in Germany and in different regions of Europe. They will have to look for the environmental values and the problem for that area or species. Alternatively they can research about an environmental problem (for example atom rubbish, recycling and so on). All this work is don through the e-twinning project website, an interactive site provided by the etwinning European site, for each project to be developed. The address to the site can be found as a link on the School's website (although the content is private, so, only the teachers involved in the project and the students working on it, are allowed to have a look at what we are doing).

So, we had to start from the beginning. The first thing was to introduce us to our team members. All your word documents including your pictures and your short introduction have been uploaded to the twin-space, the website we will be using as a base for all our communications with Germany. Now it’s time for our German partners to tell us something about themselves!

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