sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011

Another post on hearts and heart's conditions

Here we are again! This time I will not tell you anything about the video, apart from letting you know, as you can see from the topic, that´s about the heart, hence, the circulatory system. Watch it and, write a summary about what you have seen in the commentaries, along to your opinion about what you have heard and seen on the video.

5 comentarios:

  1. I caught that they talked about the relationship between blood pressure and heart diseases, which had increased due to high-cholesterol food.
    They talked about an experimental drug too, maybe it will cure some heart diseases, but they need 40.000 people as volunteers during 5 years to try the medicine and it will cost around 300 million dollars; they also considered that, at first, people probably will distrust it (I guess that distrust happens with all the brand new things, especially with those that can affect directly to our health)
    They also said is that heart medicine has been practiced from 300 years ago without understand how it worked. Funny curious fact...

  2. Thank you so much for your work, Roi! You pretty much covered all the relevant data in the video. Good for you! Let´s see if somebody else can give some more data about the video too.

  3. I heard that 25000 people die each year from hearth problems.
    The doctor said too, that there are teens with big hearths atacks

  4. As Roi said , the video is about the relationship between blood pressure and heart diseases . Heart diseases are the consequences of the high blood pressure. High blood pressure is produced by the narrowing of some arteries, and the heart needs to pump blood through a smaller espace . A curious information is that the specialists sometimes
    don´t know the effect that is going to do the drug on an organism.I think this is one of the reasons of why the drugs are not in use very much.
